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Delete API Key

You can delete an API key from Palette. A tenant admin can also delete an API key created by another user within the tenant. Use the following steps to delete an API key.

The following sections provide information on how to delete an API key in Palette through the UI, API, and SDK.


Tenant administrators can delete an API key on behalf of any user within the tenant. Select the Tenant tab below to learn more about deleting an API key as a tenant admin.


  • You must have a Palette account, and you must be logged in.

  • You must have an API key created. Refer to the Create API Key section for more information.

Delete API Key in Palette UI

  1. Log in to Palette.

  2. Navigate to the User Menu, and select My API Keys.

  3. Identify your API key in the table, and click on the three-dot Menu.

  4. Click on Delete.


  1. Log in to Palette.

  2. Navigate to the User Menu, and select My API Keys.

  3. Verify your API key is not listed in the table.


You can use the Palette API with the endpoint and the API key's unique identifier to delete an API key programmatically.

Use the following steps to learn how to delete an API key.


  • You must have a valid Palette API key. Refer to the Create API Key section for more information.

  • A terminal or command prompt to execute the curl command. Alternatively, you can use a REST client like Postman.

Delete API Key with API

  1. Open a terminal or command prompt.

  2. Issue the following command to retrieve your API key's unique identifier. Replace API_KEY_VALUE with your API key.

    curl --location '' \
    --header 'Accept: application/json' \
    --header 'apiKey: API_KEY_VALUE'
    "items": [
    "metadata": {
    "annotations": {
    "description": "",
    "ownerUid": "****************",
    "permissions": "apiKey.create,apiKey.delete,apiKey.get,apiKey.list,apiKey.update,tag.update",
    "scope": "tenant",
    "scopeVisibility": "20",
    "tenantUid": "*************************"
    "creationTimestamp": "2024-09-16T14:46:28.677Z",
    "deletionTimestamp": "0001-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
    "lastModifiedTimestamp": "2024-09-16T14:46:29.079Z",
    "name": "remove-me-test",
    "uid": "66e844c44bab2337f20c7471"
    "spec": {
    "expiry": "2024-09-23T14:46:28.164Z",
    "user": {
    "firstName": "example",
    "lastName": "example",
    "uid": "*****************"
    "status": {
    "isActive": true
  3. Once you have the API key's unique identifier, issue the following command to delete the API key. Replace uid with the API key's unique identifier. Specify a valid API key in the ApiKey header.

    curl -L -X DELETE '' \
    -H 'ApiKey: <API_KEY_VALUE>'
  4. No output is expected if the API key is successfully deleted.


  1. Verify the API key is no longer available in Palette by issuing the following command. Replace API_KEY_VALUE with your API key.

    curl --location '' \
    --header 'Accept: application/json' \
    --header 'apiKey: API_KEY_VALUE'
  2. The API key should not be listed in the response. If the API key is still available, verify the API key's unique identifier and reissue the delete command. You can also validate the deletion by checking the Palette UI.


You can use the Palette SDK to delete an API key programmatically.


  • You must have a valid Palette API key. Refer to the Create API Key section for more information.

  • Go version 1.22 or later.

  • A text editor or an IDE to write and execute the Go code.

  • A valid Palette API key to delete. In this example, the fictional API key named delete-test-key is used.

  • An internet connection to download the Palette SDK and its dependencies.

Delete API Key With Go SDK

  1. Create a new directory for your Go project and navigate to the directory.

    mkdir delete-api-key && cd delete-api-key
  2. Create a new Go file, for example, main.go.

    touch main.go
  3. Initialize the Go module. Use the following command to initialize the Go module.

    go mod init example/delete-api-key
  4. Open the main.go file in your text editor or IDE.

  5. Copy and paste the following code snippet into the main.go file. Replace the variable keyName with the key name you want to delete.

     package main

    import (


    func main() {

    host := os.Getenv("PALETTE_HOST") // ""
    apiKey := os.Getenv("PALETTE_API_KEY") // "your api key"

    if host == "" || apiKey == "" {
    log.Fatal("Please set PALETTE_HOST and PALETTE_API_KEY environment variables")

    keyName := "delete-test-key" // "name of the key to delete. Replace as needed"

    pc := client.New(

    keys, err := pc.GetAPIKeys()
    if err != nil {
    log.Fatal("Error getting API keys: ", err)

    for _, key := range keys.Items {
    if key.Metadata.Name == keyName {
    slog.Info(fmt.Sprintf("API key found. Deleting API key: %s", key.Metadata.Name))
    err := pc.DeleteAPIKey(key.Metadata.UID)
    if err != nil {
    log.Fatal("Error deleting API key: ", err)
    slog.Info("API key deleted successfully")

  6. Set the environment variables for the Palette host and API key. Replace with your Palette host URL if you are using a self-hosted Palette or VerteX instance.

    export PALETTE_HOST=""
    export PALETTE_API_KEY="your api key"
  7. Start the Go program.

    go get ./... && go run .
    2024/09/16 08:27:12 INFO API key found. Deleting API key: delete-test-key
    2024/09/16 08:27:12 INFO API key deleted successfully


You can validate the deletion by checking the Palette UI or by querying the API with the GetAPIKeys() method to list the API keys again and verifying the API key is no longer available.

  1. Create a function to list the API keys and verify the API key is no longer available. Use the following code snippet to validate the deletion.

    // validateKeyIsRemoved checks if the key is removed
    // returns true if the key is removed, false otherwise
    func validateKeyIsRemoved(keyName string, pc *client.V1Client) (bool, error) {

    keys, err := pc.GetAPIKeys()
    if err != nil {
    log.Fatal("Error getting API keys: ", err)

    for _, key := range keys.Items {
    if key.Metadata.Name == keyName {
    return false, nil

    return true, nil

  2. Replace the entire content of the main.go file with the following code snippet to include the validation check.

     package main

    import (


    func main() {

    host := os.Getenv("PALETTE_HOST") // ""
    apiKey := os.Getenv("PALETTE_API_KEY") // "your api key"

    if host == "" || apiKey == "" {
    log.Fatal("Please set PALETTE_HOST and PALETTE_API_KEY environment variables")

    keyName := "delete-test-key" // "name of the key to delete"

    pc := client.New(

    keys, err := pc.GetAPIKeys()
    if err != nil {
    log.Fatal("Error getting API keys: ", err)

    for _, key := range keys.Items {
    if key.Metadata.Name == keyName {
    slog.Info(fmt.Sprintf("API key found. Deleting API key: %s", key.Metadata.Name))
    err := pc.DeleteAPIKey(key.Metadata.UID)
    if err != nil {
    log.Fatal("Error deleting API key: ", err)
    slog.Info("API key deleted successfully")


    ok, err := validateKeyIsRemoved(keyName, pc)
    if err != nil {
    log.Fatal("Error validating key is removed: ", err)

    if !ok {
    log.Fatal("API key is not removed")

    slog.Info("Validation ensured the key is removed successfully")


    // validateKeyIsRemoved checks if the key is removed
    // returns true if the key is removed, false otherwise
    func validateKeyIsRemoved(keyName string, pc *client.V1Client) (bool, error) {

    keys, err := pc.GetAPIKeys()
    if err != nil {
    log.Fatal("Error getting API keys: ", err)

    for _, key := range keys.Items {
    if key.Metadata.Name == keyName {
    return false, nil

    return true, nil

  3. Start the Go program.

    go get ./... && go run .
    2024/09/16 08:35:07 INFO Validation ensured the API key is removed successfully
  4. The output confirms the API key is successfully deleted.